Tomlinson Library staff is here to help you find the information and resources you need for papers, speeches, research projects, and to answer questions that interest you.
For more information about using the library, view our Checkout & Reserves page.
The list below tells you where to start in your search for various types of library materials. Need help? Ask a Librarian!
- Books, reserve items, government documents, and media - Library Catalog, accessible 24/7.
- Technology and equipment to check-out like laptops, graphing calculators, VR headsets, mini whiteboards, and so much more!
- Special Collections & Archives - View CMU's Digital Collections or our Special Collections page.
- Periodicals - A-Z Journal Finder.
- Periodical articles - A-Z Databases.
- Items not found in our library - Request through Interlibrary Loan.
- Not sure what you need? Take a look at our Research Guides.
Not sure where to find something in the library building? Take a look at our Floor Plans, or browse the list below. Need help? Ask a Librarian!
Books and media
- Shelved in order of Library of Congress Classification System. Look on the ends of the shelves, and find your call number between the number ranges.
- Main Collection: 3rd floor
- Special Collections: 3rd floor
- New Books: 1st floor
- Reference Collection: 1st floor
- Audio Books: 1st floor Northwest corner
- Bestsellers: Alphabetical by author on 1st floor
- In Special Collections Room, 3rd floor
- Contact Special Collections & Archives Librarian at or 970.248.1864
Juvenile collection
- Arranged by the Dewey Decimal Classification System and call numbers start with Juv
- Fiction and picture books arranged by author's last name and call numbers start with JuvF
- On 2nd floor, East
Government Publications
- Shelved in order of SuDoc Classification System
- Find in the Library Catalog
- To request, see a Librarian at the Research Help Desk on the 1st floor
Periodicals (magazines, journals & newspapers)
- Latest 5 years arranged alphabetically by title and format on 2nd floor. Earlier issues may be requested at the Checkout & Reserves Desk.
- Newspapers: 1st floor
- Microfilm in filing cabinets on 2nd floor, as well as storage. Request at the Checkout & Reserves Desk.
- Current issues of newspapers and popular magazines are in the Browsing Area on 1st floor.
Audio and Visual materials including Popular Movies, CDs, DVDs, and phonograph records
- Shelved in the Northwest corner of the 1st floor
- Popular movies and other DVDs and Blu-Ray - 7-day loan period
- CDs - 21-day loan period
- Listening and viewing rooms available near the Audio and Visual Collection
Our Checkout & Reserves staff are happy to help you check out library materials or answer questions about your library account. Need help? Ask a Librarian!
- View library privileges, loan periods, and policies on the Checkout & Reserves page.
- Print and media items can be checked out at the Checkout & Reserves desk on the library's first floor.
- Online materials are available for download through One Search and A-Z Databases.
- After hours? Return your books in the book-drop, just outside of the library's east entrance, to be checked in on the day before the library next opens.
View your account and renew eligible checked-out items online from anywhere. Need help? Ask a Librarian!
- Log into My Library Account with your name and MAVcard number.
- Renew Selected Items or Renew All - you will not be able to select items that are not renewable.
- Two renewals per book are allowed.
- Reserve items and Media (movies, VHS, audiotapes, DVDs, CDs, etc.) cannot be renewed.
Visit to sign up for library account notifications.
What Kinds of Notices Will I Get?
Text NOTICES to view the current status of all the opt in/out notices.
These notices are ON by default. Texting the keyword (e.g. HOLDS) to 970-620-9150 will turn that type of notice off. Text the keyword again to turn the notice back on.
- HOLDS: This is a notice that you have holds ready to be picked up.
- OVERDUE: This is a notice that materials are already overdue.
- RENEW: This is a notice that materials will soon be due, and you can renew them.
- FEES: This is a notice that there are fines or fees owed.
- ANNOUNCEMENTS: These notices will feature library closures, etc.
Will I be Charged for this Service?
The library does not charge a fee for this service, but your cell phone plan’s regular text messaging rates still apply. Check with your cell phone service provider to see the cost of text messages in your service plan. You can expect a larger volume of text messages with this service.
What Do I Need?
- A mobile phone with text messaging capability
- Subscription to text messaging (check your cell phone service plan)
- Your phone must be able to send a text message to an email address
- Your library card number (barcode)
How Do I Sign Up?
- Go to:
- Enter your card # (Full number with no spaces, e.g. 408000xxxxxxx)
- Enter your phone number
Please note this service cannot be used in lieu of a library card and is only intended to provide notifications.
What Other Text Commands Can I use?
Other Commands (send all keywords to 970-620-9150):- TEST: Test your connection to the service.
- HELP: Get help with a command. E.g., type HELP FEES to get help with that command.
- MYBOOKS: Inquire about the status of all of your library items.
- IOWEU: Get a list of fines and fees for all registered barcodes.
- RHL: Get a list of holds expiring soon.
- HL: Get a list of holds that are ready to pick up.
- OA: The service will attempt to renew all overdue items and will reply with a list of items that were successfully and unsuccessfully renewed.
- OL: Generates a numbered list of all overdue items eligible for renewal.
- RA: The service will attempt to renew all items and will reply with a list of items that were successfully and unsuccessfully renewed.
- RI: Get a list of items that are coming due and that cannot be renewed.
RL: Generates a numbered list of renewable items. - MYCARDS: Generates a numbered list of the barcodes currently registered to your phone.
- ADDCARD: This will add a barcode registered to your phone for notices.
- DROPCARD: To remove a card from your phone for notices.
- ADDEMAIL: Change email on your account.
- SWITCHPHONE: Update your phone number or mobile service provider (AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, etc).
- RESEND: Receive last message again.
- STOP: Immediately remove your number from the text service, no questions asked.
- QUIT: Longer way to quit the service. You will be prompted to enter the barcode and will receive a message confirming your request.
When Will I Receive Texts?
Texts will be sent only when activity on your account triggers a message and will be sent between 9:00am and 7:00pm.
- A photocopier is available on the first floor, north of the Checkout & Reserves Desk. Copies are 10¢ per black/white page and 25¢ per color page, and change is available at the Checkout & Reserves Desk.
- A free digital scanner is available on each floor. Scan to your USB drive or email files to yourself, for free, for real.
- Print from any library computer to a printer located nearby using your MAVcard. Printouts are 5¢ per black/white page, 8¢ per two-sided black/white page, and 25¢ per color page.
- A microform reader/digital scanner is available on the 2nd floor--ask any Library staff for help using the equipment.
The library has 30 reservable, computer-equipped group study rooms that accommodate from two to eight people for up to two hours. Additionally, a variety of seating options and work space is available for study or group work on all floors, open to everyone and requiring no reservation.
- Located throughout the building--log in with your MAVcard credentials on a first-come, first-served basis. Priority is given to academic needs.
- Hours same as the Library
- IT Helpdesk on the first floor
- Three public computers available to guests--request a one-hour guest pass at the Checkout & Reserves Desk on first floor.
- Ask your question via e-mail
- Ask-A-Librarian chat help
Tomlinson Library has designated ADA computers. JAWS (computer screen reader program) is available on the following computers.
- LIB1-044 (1st Floor, Tomlinson Library)
- LIB1-045 (1st Floor, Tomlinson Library)
- LIB1-046 (1st Floor, Tomlinson Library)
For more resources for students with disabilities, please contact Educational Access Services (EAS).